MERS’ clientele is both employers and employees. We believe that provides for a more objective model to provide advice and is consistent with our objective to be neutral when mediating.
MERS’ clientele includes private and public sector workplaces, Not for profit, and Indigenous Communities throughout a number of areas in South Australia.
MERS helps work places by providing an independent investigations service into allegations of inappropriate conduct in the workplace. This tool is valuable to explore cultural issues, the bona fides of the allegations and to establish when claims have merit.
Workplace Agreements and Advocacy is an evolving and potentially confusing area, and prior to entering into Agreements with workers, contractors or sub-contractors you should obtain qualified advice. To learn more about this system, its applicability and how you can best manage in the system, and the National Employment Standards (“NES”).
If you want to find out more about how the Industrial Relations system affects your business, please get in contact with MERS today.
MERS can also help with advice and advocacy services relating to:
– Developing Enterprise Agreements which comply with legislation
– Resolving industrial relations matters including staff grievances
– Conflict management
– Equal opportunity employment obligations
– Superannuation
– Work Health and Safety
– Advice on restructuring and redundancy arrangements
– Providing advice and advocacy for underpayment of wages
– Unfair dismissal claims
We can liaise on your behalf with employers, employees, unions, Fair Work Commission, the Fairwork Ombudsman and, other parties.
In 2009, the then Federal Government introduced the Fair Work Act. From 1 January 2010, all employers (other than Government and Local Government employment) are covered by the national workplace relations system and are obligated to inform each new employee of their rights.
Employers must comply with the NES that apply to workplaces. Together with modern awards, the NES provides a safety net for employees covered by the national workplace relations system from 1 January 2010.
To find out more about IR legislation and it’s affects, click on the various links to the right.